About Us

Lawyersinmalta.com is a business and legal portal consisting of a directory that aims to provide a  list of law and business firms based in Malta.

Our task for www.lawyersinmalta.com is to stimulate and assist it on a constant base at both nationwide and worldwide ranks, with offline and online promotions. Our campaigns intend to create a principled and accountable environment for firms with good legal reputation and principles.

We violently target significant legal and business related keywords on the search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Yandex and other. We attempt to make our portal unavoidable to any possible client who might be looking to find a law firm in Malta.

By offering immediate and easy reachable information as to the firms’ expertise, experience, knowledge, areas of practices and goals we simplify the search of every person internationally interested in obtaining legal services from Malta. The website visitors are able at any time to find information, contact details and even send a request directly to the lawyer of their choice.

Beside the directory part we also offer an extensive variety of information related to legal or business matters. In the directory we have news, articles, legal jobs, seminars, interviews section. In larger perspective we aim to endorse the legal sector of Malta around the world.