By: Ganado Advocates
27th January 2022 at 16:30 hrs
On 2 August 2021, the key provisions of the new EU CBDF Framework became effective introducing several novelties regarding the marketing activities of AIFMs and UCITS.
This webinar will seek to cover a range of topics, including pre-marketing, enhanced marketing disclosure requirements (most of which will start to apply as of 2 February 2022) and the new marketing de-notification process.
It will focus on the changes made to the UCITS and AIF marketing distribution sphere and discuss the challenges that UCITS, AIFs and their Asset Managers may face when applying this new framework.
Stephanie Farrugia, Senior Associate
David Borg Carbott, Senior Associate
Neil Bezzina, Associate
Ria Micallef, Associate
Participation is free of charge upon registration. Click here to reserve your spot.